What is a French residence permit “Visiteur” and who is it suitable for?

Foreigners can obtain a residence permit in France through the national visa D - VLS-TS Visiteur. This visa is a long-term visa - it is issued for a period of 3 months to one year. The conditions for obtaining a Visiteur visa are set out in Article L313-6 of the French Code on the Entry and Stay of Aliens and the Right of Asylum.

The Visiteur visa is an excellent choice for persons with a capital of 30,000 EUR or more and an equivalent level of remote or passive income, in the form of dividends from a business, securities or, for example, interest on a deposit, or rental income.

The program is suitable for entrepreneurs, business owners, their family members, including parents, who wish to reside in France permanently or on an occasional basis, as well as to travel to Schengen countries without visas.

A Visiteur visa holder can undergo medical treatment in public clinics at no extra cost if he or she pays monthly social security contributions. A foreigner can register for social security after three months of living in France.

We will be happy to conduct a legal check of your documents and accompany the entire process of obtaining a residence permit both from the country of your citizenship (including Russia) and from the country of legal residence. A residence permit is issued for a period of 1 (one) year, with the possibility of annual renewal. Holders of Visiteur residence permits are entitled to apply for permanent residence and count the term as future citizenship.

Tuiaara Evseeva
Shagin & Partners
Eligibility criteria for obtaining
French residence permit through national visa D - VLS-TS Visiteur
The processing time at the French Consulate can be up to 60 days and can be extended if additional documents are requested.
  • Not be an EU, EEA national and not be a family member of such a national
    If you reside outside your country of citizenship, it is important to consider the legality of your actual stay in your country of residence when applying from outside your country of citizenship.
  • Sufficient cash flow and passive/remote income
    not less than 30000 EUR for one person, for a family of two - not less than 45000 EUR, for a family of three - not less than 60000 EUR per year placed in a bank account with proof of legal origin and proof of monthly passive/remote income from 1800 EUR per month or 21600 EUR per year.
  • A letter of motivation and a promise not to engage in any professional activity in France
    A written commitment not to work or do business in France and a motivation letter explaining your reasons for moving to France.
  • Certificate of private health insurance in France
    The insurance certificate (policy) must be issued by an insurance company authorized to do business in France and have full coverage for 365 days.
  • Отсутствие нарушений миграционных правил ЕС/Франции и Отсутствие судимостей за последние 5 лет
    No violations of French/EU migration legislation in the past
  • Certificate of ownership or rental agreement
    The lease agreement must be for at least one year. In addition to the lease agreement, you can provide a certificate of ownership, or consent for rent-free accommodation, e.g. from relatives.
Additional requirements
When applying at French consulates, additional documents and extended financial solvency are required to be provided
  • Enrollment of a minor child in school
    If minor children are requesting a visa along with the main applicant, a school enrollment for the child must be obtained prior to the application - this is a prerequisite for obtaining a Visiteur visa.
  • Expanded financial solvency requirements
    Providing information on financial solvency provides information on both the presence of cash in the bank account and the presence of passive income in the form of dividends or, for example, interest on deposits, rental income, etc.
Cost* of “Visiteur” residence permit support services
We offer two rates, the only difference is the number of individuals on the application.
What is included in the price, what are the guarantees?
Answers to the main questions on accompaniment
French residence permit “Visiteur”
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