What is an Investor's residence permit in Spain and who is it suitable for?

If you have sufficient capital, and have the ability to invest
from 500 000 EUR, you can consider an Investor's residence permit in Spain. You can invest in real estate or financial instruments (where the threshold is higher and is 2 000 000 eur).
2 000 000 EUR).
Unlike other types of residence permits, investor status does not oblige its holder to stay in Spain, it is enough to enter the country once a year and keep the investment.
Regulated by Law 14/2013 of 27.09.2013 “On support for entrepreneurs and their internationalization”, Organic Law 4/2000 of 11.01.2000 “On the rights and freedoms of foreign nationals in Spain” This type of residence allows foreign nationals who are not EU citizens to reside, move freely and work in Spain.

Tuiaara Evseeva
Shagin & Partners
Investor's residence permit eligibility criteria
Investor's residence permit application can be submitted at the place of residence to obtain a Visa and subsequent modification into an ID card (not available for citizens of the Russian Federation).
If the applicant is in Spain legally, the documents for residence permit can be submitted directly on the territory of Spain.
  • Not be an EU, EEA or Swiss national, and not be a family member of such a national
    If you live outside your country of citizenship, it is important to consider the legality of your actual stay in the country of residence when applying from outside Spain.
  • Availability of sufficient investments
    from 500,000 EUR in real estate, or 1,000,000 EUR in shares or shares in the property of Spanish companies, or in a bank deposit with a zero rate, or an investment of at least 2,000,000 EUR in Spanish government debt securities.
  • No criminal record for the last 5 years
    Certificates of no criminal record must be issued at least 3 months prior to the application date, apostilled and submitted along with a sworn translation from a certified sworn (Jurado) translator.
  • Certificate of public or private health insurance in Spain
    The insurance certificate (policy) must be issued by an insurance company authorized to do business in Spain and have full coverage (sin copago).
  • Отсутствие нарушений миграционных правил в третьих странах
    It is important not to be banned from entering Spain and the countries with which Spain has relevant agreements.
  • Иметь достаточное количество денежных средств на период проживания в стране
    In 2024 the amount for one person is at least 28800 EUR per year, for a family of two at least 36000 EUR per year, for a family of three at least 43200 EUR per year, for a family of four at least 50400 EUR per year.
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